7th Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage France   –  Sept 9-27, 2025
19 days (18 nights) reconnecting the Magdalene Sisterhood 

Max 13 participants
This is a preliminary itinerary is subject to minor revisions following the May 2025 pilgrimage

Welcome to this gathering of the Magdalene Sisterhood.  If you are feeling drawn to the massive emergence of this energy, then it is likely you are part of what is surfacing on the planet and sensing that there is more for you to do.  Magdalenes have been here supporting the evolution of humanity for longer than you can imagine.  We are in a time on the planet where the old energies are being cleared in order for humanity to move to a higher vibration.  At this time on the planet the Magdalene energy is strong and calling to many to assist in this transition of consciousness.  This is not a religious pilgrimage.  Our visiting the many cathedrals is to connect to the energy of Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and Yeshua.   None of these had any intention for their powerful teachings to be used to create a religion.

This pilgrimage is dedicated to the powerful energy of Mary Magdalene who is very much honored and deeply loved in France and to calling forth a deeper embodiment of the Magdalene Sisterhood.  It is about rediscovering and honoring the divine feminine inside each of us that is being called forward at a time on the planet when it is critical that we hold the energy of loving kindness that was a cornerstone of the teachings of Jesus.  It is also about connecting into the imbalance on the planet between the masculine and feminine and looking at what is needed to restore the natural balance between that.  The group is intentionally kept small, designed for intimacy and the ability to connect deeply with like-minded souls.

The trip is designed to facilitate a deep inner journey with circles and discussion as well a connection to sisterhood made powerful by the intimacy of a shared spiritual experience.  As we journey we will go slowly, taking time to be with ourselves, time to explore the inner journey and what the experience means to us.  We will not be jamming in as many sites as possible, instead allowing time for processing and integration.

Travel is kept to a minimum each day with comfortable private buses allowing for laughter and camaraderie while getting to the next destination.  When we reach Languedoc it is time to take a breath and relax as we gather in a private retreat center for 7 days.  There we will settle into a communal lifestyle where we all participate in organic meal creation at breakfast and dinner.  Our leisurely dinners give us the opportunity to connect at a deep level with sharing and discussions.  This, as much as possible, is designed to replicate the energy and intention of the early Essene communities which focused on community and collaboration. While in Languedoc we will be doing short drives from our home base, allowing quiet time to journal and meditate.  Our evening meals will be leisurely and filled with sharing of the experiences of the day with opportunities for each person to be heard and supported.

We will allow the magic of these ancient sites to permeate our souls and connect deeply to the Magdalene energy and the divine feminine, incorporating ceremony to facilitate the process whenever possible.

Enjoy this video of our 2023 journey

Map of the 2025 Pilgrimage

We are starting in Aix-en-Provence.  The places we will visit are highlighted on the map below.  Note that #6 on the map is Domaine de Mournac, our base for 7 days.  We will explore out from there. The sequence while at the retreat center will vary. To zoom in click the box top right.  To see the names click on one of the numbers.  To see the list click on the box top left.

On Day 1 we gather in Marseille a city imbued with the energy of the early disciples. Mary Magdalene and her brother Lazarus spent time here spreading the teachings of Jesus. This is a jet lag day when we gather in time for our first dinner together.

Black Madonna
Chapelle Saint André
Saint Victor

On Day 2 we visit the Basilique Notre Dame de la Garde, the famous basilica that towers over Marseille offering spectacular views from its terraces.  Dedicated to Mother Mary there is a massive 37 ft. tall statue of her on top of the square bell tower.   Inside in the Choir is a beautiful Black Madonna.

We then visit Abbaye Saint Victor where there is incredible history and a stone relief of Mary Magdalene and Lazarus. The crypt holds a sarcophagus of the remains of the martyr St. Victor as well as another Black Madonna – a wooden statute that is dressed up and honored in an annual procession during the celebration of Candlemas.  This is the beginning of he Black Madonna’s we will see during our pilgrimage.




In the afternoon we head to Aix-en-Provence, a city imbued with the energy of the early disciples.  The remainder of the day is open for exploration  Aix-en-Provence is well-known for its fountains,  architecture and art.  A walk around the city will reveal many gems.  Cézanne spent part of his life here and was inspired to paint many of his later works.  You may want to check out the Atelier de Cézanne to glimpse the setting that inspired the “father of modern painting.”  Check out the Cézanne walking path to visit the areas he loved.  Cours Mirabeau is the area to visit where locals gather after work.  Here you can take a leisurely stroll down tree lined boulevards and fountains.  The Musée Granet is a museum in the quartier Mazarin, devoted to painting, sculpture and archeology.  You are sure to enjoy these and many other beautiful sites in the city.  We will meet for dinner as a group.

Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur

The Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur in Aix is one of the national monuments in France.  Mary Magdalene traveled to Aix with Maximin, one of the seventy-two disciples. Mary Magdalene and St. Maximin preached here and dedicated a chapel to Jesus Christ called “Saint Sauveur.” The 1st century chapel floor still remains inside the Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur which was built over it.  Maximin stayed in Aix and became its first bishop. In the sacristy of Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur are the relics of St. Maximin and the foot of the apostle St. Andrew.  As well as a beautiful stained glass window with Mary Magdalene and her jar, there is much beauty and history to explore here.  The remainder of the day is open for journaling and exploring before dinner where we will share our insights from the day.



Grotte de Sainte Marie Madeleine

Day 3 our private bus transports us to the Grotte de Sainte Marie Madeleine (Cave of Mary Magdalene). We take our time walking to the grotto allowing the powerful energy of the forest to  to arrive at the top with time to explore before the 11 o’clock mass.  The walk up to the grotto is a gradual uphill climb doable in an average time of 45 minutes, depending on fitness level.  We walk along a tranquil trail through the forest on a path that has been walked for centuries by Kings and Queens and others in Pilgrimage, arriving at the beautiful cave.

This mountain, sacred to Isis, has been considered holy ground for thousands of years.  The energy of the divine feminine is strong here.  There are many versions of Mary’s life in Egypt, England, Provence France, Languedoc France and elsewhere – several of which said she was part of the Isis lineage as was Mother Mary.  Some say there were sacred ceremonies done in the cave in the traditions of the priestesses of Isis.  You are encouraged to let go of what you think to be the truth and allow the divine feminine energy to connect to your heart.  The natural water in the spring on the way up the path is reported to have healing properties.

Following the mass in the cave we visit the town of Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume where we visit the Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine where the skull of Mary Magdalene is kept well protected in a crypt behind locked bars.   This statue is a major part of the celebration during the Mary Magdalene feast day July 22.  The statue is then removed from its home and added to the celebration parade.



Saint Sara

Day 4 after a leisurely breakfast, we board our private coach at 9 am for the journey to Sainte-Maries-de-la-Mer. We travel through the wetlands of Camargue where we will have glimpses of the flamingos and the famous white horses.  This charming historical village on the ocean, is where the three Mary’s: Mary of Bethany, Mary Salome and Mary Jacobe, and Lazarus along with many others  are reputed to have come ashore in a boat without oars or a sail.

On arrival after check in we will visit the Eglise Notre-Dame-de-la-Mer which was built as a refuge and fortress to protect the villagers from invasions from the sea. The Sanctuary is the site of one of the first places of pilgrimage in Provence, to honor Sara, the black Madonna patron saint of the gypsies.  The black Madonna in her finery can be seen by taking the steps to the lower level.  Check out the relics of St. Mary Jacobe and St. Mary Salome in the reliquaries in the upper chapel above the main alter.  Take some time to connect to the energy vortexes in the church.  This day is on your own to explore and perhaps take some quiet time to meditate, journal and enjoy the energy of the water before dinner and an evening ceremony on the beach.

The Cathars and the Albigensian Crusade – as we move into Languedoc we are connecting to the energy of the Cathars – a gnostic group who believed more in the direct experience of God, rather than the written word. Their doctrine reflected the spirituality of the Essenes  in the Holy Land – which was the community that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were part of.  The gnostic groups of France (including the Knights Templar) very much honored both Mary Magdalene and the Divine feminine.  This group was very powerful with many of the large land owners following the doctrine of the Cathars. They held views that were very different from those espoused by the Church – going more towards the simplicity of the teachings of Jesus and against the corruption in the Church.  The Catholic church was losing power and launched the Albigensian crusade in 1209, a campaign to eliminate Catharism by Pope Innocent III.

As we explore Beziers, Montsegur, and other significant places there is a possibility of past life memories connected to the Cathars and being burned at the stake.  How many who are drawn to the Magdalene energy are among those who were burned – not just in this crusade but in witch hunts and other crusades designed to get rid of those with powers that were threatening to the patriarchal society, those who were connected to the land, and those who knew how to heal using energy and plant medicine.  It is not surprising that so many women today have challenges owning their wisdom and power.

Day 5  We begin our journey to the Languedoc region beginning with Béziers.  Béziers was a stronghold for the Cathars in the Languedoc region – We first visit Eglise de la Madeleine, one of the most venerated sanctuaries in Béziers.  This 11th century Romanesque church, remodeled from the 12th to the 15th century, was the scene of the bloodiest episode in the city’s history. On July 22, 1209, the army of the Albigensian Crusade, led by Simon de Montfort was dispatched to the south to drive out the Cathar heretics. They exterminated 20,000 men, women and children, who had taken refuge there.  This included some of the clergy who were burnt in front of their own alter.  This marked the beginning of the Albigensian Crusade, which would wipe out the Cathars across Languedoc finishing with Montsegur in 1244.

Saint-Nazaire Cathedral

The original Saint-Nazaire Cathedral, dating to the 10th Century, was also burned by the invaders during the Crusade with thousands of people inside. Very little of the original Romanesque church still remains standing.  There is amazing energy in this church and stunning artwork. Rebuilding began almost a century after the Crusade and lasted until the 15th Century. If you are not claustrophobic you may want to check out the spiral staircase to the roof where there are magnificent views of the city.

We have lunch and then journey west to the Domaine de Mournac, our home for the next week.




Domaine de Mournac

After our exploration we head further west and south to the Domaine de Mournac. Domaine de Mournac is a 12th century stone coach house, nestled in over 15 acres of woodland and vines, in the glorious Aude department of South West France.  It is time to take a breath and relax as we gather in this retreat center for 7 days where we will settle into a communal lifestyle where we all participate in organic meal creation at breakfast and dinner.  Our leisurely dinners give us the opportunity to connect at a deep level with sharing and discussions.  This as much as possible is designed to replicate the energy and intention of the early Essene communities which focused on community and collaboration.  Following dinner we gather in circle in the Yoga room.  This retreat center has been recently renovated and is in the midst of beautiful land with lots of space to spread out.  We are very close to most of the places we will visit over the next 6 days.

Set in the centre of a circle of mountains, it is the scenery and Cathar history that makes it a good base to explore from.  As well as exploring we have a free day during this time to begin to integrate our experiences to this point.  Our days are flexible as we allow for the divine feminine energy to direct our journeys out from the retreat center.  Over the next few days we will be visiting many of the amazing sites that are within a short drive of the Domaine.  Depending on the weather the days may be in a different sequence.  We have a free day where there will an opportunity to process and spend time connecting to the energy of the beautiful land.  There will also be some surprises on this day.

Day 6 we leave for Montsegur, noted as being the last refuge of the Cathars during the Albigensian crusade. The mountain is energized by two major ley lines that intersect.  It is said the Mary’s fabled Book of Love was held here and was not found after the siege.

We begin the day here climbing up to the top (the bus takes us part way up!!!) and exploring the ruins. If you have Cathar memories they may surface here. It is peaceful at the top with amazing views.  In 1244 the attack on the castle intensified and the Cathars were defeated and any who chose to maintain their beliefs were burned at the stake.  At the base is an monument to the 210 who chose to die in the fire on March 16, 1244 rather than give up their beliefs.  We will be tuning into the energy at the monument and taking a moment to honor those Cathars who refused to give up their beliefs and chose to be die in the fire.


Les Contes, Notre Dame de Sophia

We then head to Les Contes, to visit Notre Dame de Sophia, Our Lady of Wisdom – a chapel consecrated to the continuous lineage of the feminine principle, which these mountains have known since the beginning of time.  The power in this simple chapel is immense and you will feel the devotion that has been poured into its creation.  We stop for lunch here.

Les Contes is situated at the confluence of two rivers and beside La Source de Belisama, a very holy spring.  “People say the Cathars washed the Holy Grail at this spring, and that the Book of Love is hidden deep inside. There are suggestions that Mary Magdalene spent time here, sending word back and forth to the Holy Land, whereas the Cathars used this crossroads to exchange herbs, food and ‘objects’ precious to their tradition.”  After visiting the chapel we will spend some time exploring this community, the gardens and the animals that are cared for so consciously.  You will want to fill your water bottle with the energized water here before we return to the retreat centre.


Day 7  we head to Limoux where we will visit the Basilica of Notre Dame de Marceille, a 14th Century Gothic church dedicated to Mary. The basilica is built around a Black Madonna and has been a pilgrimage destination for centuries. She has been known to heal the blind.  The water from the spring down the hill from the Basilica is said to have healing powers. There is a shrine down the hill from the church – it is small and on the right.  You will have to kneel to put your hand in the water through the grate.  If you have a small container you can fill it up here.- it is not drinkable but has powerful energy.  There are many beautiful statutes, stained glass windows and a garden.

St. Salvayre

From Limoux we take a windy drive up the mountain to a very special small church at St. Salvayre.  There is very powerful energy there especially around the altar.  Some legends say that Yeshua died here.  While there is no documentation on this,  you may want to call in his energy  and ask for a blessing as you meditate.  We will leave a donation in the box as a thank you to the villagers who care for this space.

Fountain of Love

Following St. Salvayre we head to La Fontaine des Amours, near Rennes-les-Bains. The source is energized by the Pic de Bugarach.  The top pool feeds down into a heart shaped pool. It is a very special place where some say that Mary Magdalene performed baptisms.  A popular spot in the summer for locals swimming, in May the water is cold and the spot is not so busy.  There is fairy energy in the area as well. We will visit the Chair of Isis in the same area where you can sit in the chair and connect to the energy.  Of interest the Chair of Isis is in a direct line with the Devil at Rennes le Chateau


In the afternoon we head to the Pic de Bugarach.  This upside down mountain, which looks like the top has been broken off, has very strong energies.  It is seen as a portal or star gate to other dimensions. It is a major energy vortex and connects to a network of ley lines in the area.  There are many reportings of UFO sightings around the top of the mountain.  For those highly attuned to energy it will be interesting to see what you perceive.  According to some sources this is the 2nd (sacral) chakra of the planet.  Some have compared the energy to that of Mount Shasta even though they are not physically alike.  

Anna, Voice of the Magdalene’s book speaks about the location of the former Essene community at Pic de Bugarach.  Another legend states that it is the burial spot of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  We will visit the small church there that seems connected to the mountain.  Situated on ley lines it is a powerful place to focus quietly on the energies.  The power center seems to be at the base of the cross rather than at the altar.  We will spend some time here in meditation as well as taking a walk by the lake.


Cathar Initiation Cave

Day 8   we leave for Tarascon-sur-Ariège to visit the Grotte de Bethleem – a cave famous for Cathar Initiations.  It is possible the mysterious treasure of the Cathars was hidden in the caves of the Ariège valley.  This was a major highlight of the 2023 pilgrimage.  We will take some time to meditate and to connect to the ceremonies done in this cave.

Here is a taste of the energy of the Grotte in a video created by one of the participants who is a master of energy.

  Video of the  Cave of Bethelem – Ornalac, Pilgrimage 2023


After  Tarascon we head to the magical, natural Nebias Labyrinth allowing our systems to reconnect to the land and the energy in this labyrinth and forest. This was a big hit on the last pilgrimage and we will be here longer to meditate, journal, enjoy a picnic lunch and bask in the energy of the forest. If you are sensitive to fairies, angels and the energy of other realms you may find some magic here.  Allow yourself to open to feeling the energies of the area and a deeper connection to the land.



Day 9 we have a day off at the retreat center.  There are some things in planning stages.  These will be revealed once we are at the retreat center.

La Grotte de Perillos

Day 10 we begin with a trip to Perillos for a meditation at La Grotte de Perillos, reputed to be used by Mary Magdalene as a retreat and for ceremonies. We will spend some quiet time in the sacred place to meditate and sit quietly before moving to the rest of the day.  

From Perillos we head to the picturesque village of Cucugnan famous from Alphonse Daudet’s Lettres de mon Moulin.  It is therefore not an imaginary village, but a real village, planted on a small hill surrounded by vines and guarded by two citadels, high places of the Cathar epic. High above the village you can see the Château de Quéribus, a Cathar citadel watching over the town.   Of particular interest is the Eglise Saint-Julien et Sainte-Basilisse which houses a statue of a pregnant virgin.

Ermitage Saint-Antoine de Galamus



In the afternoon we visit Ermitage Saint-Antoine de Galamus (Hermitage Saint Antoine of Galamus).  The drive is stunning as we wind up to the top. It is a very simple Hermitage nestled in a cave on the side of a cliff with exquisite wooden sculptures.  The energy of Mary Magdalene is said to be very strong here – it may have been a ceremonial place.  There is also a sense of heart energy and a lovely blend of the masculine and feminine.  Each person will experience the energy differently.  

The chapel was built in 1782 in honor of Saint Antoine who saved the nearby village from an epidemic of Suette, the sweating sickness.  In one of the caves a natural basin collects runoff water, which was used as drinking water by the hermits.

Day 11 we visit the famous Rennes-le-Chateau highlighted in the movie “The Da Vinci Code”. There is powerful Earth energy here and in nearby Bugarach.  We begin the day at the simple Church of Saint Mary Magdalene, which despite its size has much to explore.  Much is hidden for those who have eyes to see. The Magdalene Line Trilogy by Kathleen McGowan is a good read as you are preparing for the pilgrimage.

Stained glass Eglise Rennes Le Chateau

The original church was dedicated to Mary Magdalene in 1059.  Catharism was very strong at that time and had a lot of influence.  While there is no concrete evidence that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married we know that the Catholic church went to great lengths to remove any evidence that did not support their dogma.

The current structure was renovated in the late 19th century by the controversial and well-loved Bishop Saunière who had a deep love for Mary Magdalene.  Within the church are many clues to what Bishop Saunière wanted others to know about Mary Magdalene. One of his many gifts to the town was the construction of the Magdalene Tower.

There is much controversy about the surprising wealth the priest Saunière spent creating the Magdalene tower and the home near the church.  What is the truth – will we ever really know?  Within the church are many clues to what Bishop Saunière wanted others to know about Mary Magdalene. Can we bypass the controversy and instead tune into our own wisdom?  Is the Holy grail inside of us?  Take enough time in this small church to allow for your own sense of the energies to arise.  There is no need to rush as this complete day is set aside for the Magdalene energy to come through.

Following the church visit we move on to the Bérenger Saunière Museum. Entrance to the museum is included in your package and also provides access to the Magdalene Tower, The Oratory, and Saunière’s home and gardens.  All of these can be explored at your leisure prior to our lunch at Le Bistro des Amis, a charming restaurant owned by David Bailey who is famous for his Magdalene meditations.  A surprise waits for you after lunch.   

Day 12  We say goodbye to the Domaine de Mournac to transport to Lourdes.  We arrive about 1 pm in time to check in and explore the grotto and have dinner before the evening candlelight procession.  The fame of Lourdes is connected to the vision of the Virgin Mary by a peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous, in a grotto in 1858. She was later canonized as St. Bernadette in 1933.  Lourdes has long been a pilgrimage for those who wish to connect more deeply to the energy of Mother Mary.  You will be able to fill up your water bottles with the healing spring water from the Grotto.


Day 13 we depart from Lourdes making out way North to Rocamadour.   Famous for its sanctuary and more especially for its Black Virgin,  Rocamadour has been attracting large number of visitors and pilgrims for centuries.  The village of Rocamadour is the second most visited attraction in France after Mont-Saint-Michel.  The pilgrimage site became one of the four holy places of Christendom along with Jerusalem, Rome and Santiago de Compostela.

Rocamadour is said to be a place where miracles happen . . .

We will arrive about 1 pm leaving lots of time for exploration – the bus will stop for a break for coffee on the way.





Day 14  We depart Rocamadour heading north to Paris.   We are transported to Brive-la-Gaillarde where we board a high speed train to Paris, enjoying the French countryside.   We will arrive mid afternoon in time to explore on your own before gathering for dinner.  This is a good opportunity to visit the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre.  Notre Dame is also open following the repairs from the fire of 2018.


Day 15 in Paris we begin with an exploration of  L’Eglise de la Madeleine  – a church filled with amazing history – it looks more like something that we would find around Rome with massive columns on the exterior.  This church is more popularly known as La Madeleine. The structure of the building links back to the original intention to build something for the glory of Napoleon’s army.  There is a powerful statue at the rear of the church depicting angels holding a pregnant Mary Magdalene. Behind the statue is the mosaic Mary Magdalene kneeling before Christ with her alabaster jar. We will take some time in silence to explore and absorb the history of this temple.

Following that we walk to Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal about 15 minutes walk.  This is the church that honors the French nun Catherine Labouré who was a Marian visionary.  The famous Miraculour Medal of our Lady of Graces, worn by millions is believed to have been created by her as requested by Mother Mary.   The chapel is small and very warm with lots of blue energy. She is incorrupt and her coffin is located at the top of the Church to the right of the main altar. A good place to pray for a miracle for yourself or others in your life.

Next we walk about 5 minutes to Eglise Saint-Sulpice, one of the oldest churches in Paris. This church gained fame from the Da Vinci Code due to its location on the zero meridian. A brass line runs through the cathedral known as the Rose-Line, said to be symbolic of the royal bloodline of the Merovingian Kings. The old legend claimed the kings were from the bloodline of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. Also in this church is a large sundial which runs north to south which is used to calculate the dates of Easter and other sacred days that change from year to year.  The Rose-line runs through the sundial and then through the church. This line runs down to the south of France and runs through Rennes-le-Chateau.  One of the titles of Isis is Queen of Crowns of the North and South.  Isis is the Esoteric Queen of the Red Serpent Rose-line.  The red line connects to the power of fertility, menstruation and the matriarchal lineage of Isis. In history both Isis and Mary Magdalene had the task to resurrect their dead solar king.

Mary Magdalene Saint-Sulpice

In Saint-Sulpice is an interesting stature of Mary Magdalene with 4 children  – one suckling as well as a beautiful statue holding Sophia energy with Grandmother Anna holding a young Mary.

If time permits in the morning Église Notre-Dame de la Paix de Picpus (35 rue Picpus) houses a very famous black madonna.  This little but powerful black virgin has more connection to the Merovingian royal family than any other black Madonna to date.  Open from 9-12 and 4-6.

After Saint Sulpice and lunch we will be visiting Notre Dame

Notre Dame  After Saint Sulpice we take a break for lunch and then we visit Notre Dame on a guided tour.  It was burned during our pilgrimage in 2019.  After years of repairs it is open Dec 2024 in time for our visit.  The most popular tourist site in Paris, the cathedrale is massive and requires a solid 2 hours to visit. The stained glass windows of Notre-Dame, particularly the three rose windows, are among the most famous features of the cathedral.   Its massive 315 foot spire which is still being rebuilt was the iconic image that so many recall.   From the massive rose window to the incredible works of art – this will not fail to bring a sense of awe and history.   Its impressive façade is adorned with an array of intricate sculptures, each telling the tale of various biblical figures and events, and showcasing the talent of the artisans involved in its creation. The entrance is framed by three ornate portals – the Portal of the Virgin, the Portal of the Last Judgment, and the Portal of Saint-Anne – each bearing its own distinct narrative and symbolism.

The cathedral is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, but Mary Magdalene is also closely linked to the cathedral’s history and symbolism. The statue of Saint Mary Magdalene inside Notre Dame de Paris is one of the most famous and iconic depictions of the saint in the world.  The cathedral’s rose windows, which feature depictions of Mary Magdalene, are considered some of the most beautiful and intricate examples of Gothic architecture.

You are free to explore some of the many Paris attractions or spend some time in meditation before we gather again for a leisurely dinner and discussion.


Vezelay Relics of Mary Magdalene

Day 16 we are off early to visit  Vezelay, Burgundy to explore the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene. The relics of Mary Magdalene were brought to Vezelay from the Church of Saint Maximum near the grotto of Sainte Baume in the 11th century.  In the crypt of the church there are two shrines one dedicated to Mary Magdalene and one dedicated to Christ.  “We sat between these two shrines … I felt like I was sitting in the Bridal Chamber of the Divine …. finding the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine in the silence of the crypt.”  Raylene Abbott

Vezelay is the starting point of many pilgrimages in France, the energy of pilgrims that have been visiting this site for centuries is profound.

We arrive at Vezelay about noon.  We have several hours to explore the energy of Vezelay before getting back on the bus to Chartres, our final destination.


Black Madonna Chartres and the “Cleaned” version

We arrive at Chartres early in the evening where the centuries old energy of the Chartres Cathedral awaits us. Chartres is said to be on ley lines which link Glastonbury, Stonehenge and the Pyramids in Egypt.  The Cathedral is filled with imagery, sacred geometry, carvings, stained-glass windows and sculptures of feminine figures, offering a glimpse into the feminine aspect of God. There is much here to be aware of – and it is often hidden in plain view for those with eyes to see.  We’ll have two days to explore the energy and history of Chartres, long associated with the Divine Feminine (millennia before Christianity).

The famous Chartres light show on the Cathedral will begin about 10 pm.

 Chartres Labyrinth and Light Show


Day 17 we will enjoy a private tour of the cathedral in the morning.  With its 160 stained glass windows, crypt and labyrinth, it is a place of rare architectural beauty with sacred geometry and is said to house the tunic of the Blessed Mother, the Sancta Camisia.  Also of interest is the Black Madonna – the subject of controversy as it was lightened as part of the renovation of the cathedral.  The remainder of the day the day is open for your exploration.  You may want to partake of the rooftop tour.   In the evening we jump onto a little tourist train for an amazing tour of the lights that are famous as part of the annual Chartres en Lumière.

Chartres Labyrinth

Day 18 is our final day and the labyrinth, a perfect reflection of the size of the rose window that looks down on it, awaits us.  Although the labyrinth is open earlier we will allow the crowds to thin out before we start as a group, solidifying our intention in the presence of the divine feminine energy of the Cathedral.  Taking time for journaling, meditation and intention setting before the labyrinth walk will amplify the energy.  You can walk as many times as you want and many participants do.

After the labyrinth walk you are free for lunch and exploration before our final group ceremony and celebration Friday evening.

Day 19 is departure day. Our bus will pick us up in Chartres Saturday morning and we will arrive back in Paris at the Charles de Gaulle airport by 11 am.

Your Tour Facilitators:

Ariana Brackenbury – Leader

Ariana has been leading spiritual pilgrimages since 2015 in Spain and France. In 2018 she was feeling the call to the Magdalene energy and led the first Mary Magdalene pilgrimage in September. She was first attracted to the Magdalene energy Dec. 2005 when she began reading about the early life of Jesus and Mary Magdalene in Claire Heartsong’s book, Anna, Grandmother of Jesus and the sequel Anna, The Voice of the Magdalenes. Witnessing the patriarchal structures on the planet ramping up she has become more aware of the importance of working with women and men to heal the divine feminine/divine masculine balance. The Magdalene energy is one that is calling many to join this healing force. This is her 4th Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage in France.

Ariana is a facilitator, inspirational speaker and heart centered leader who is deeply dedicated to inspiring others to listen to the whispers of their heart and step more fully into what is calling. Ariana offers mentoring programs and spiritual pilgrimage journeys to those who want to live a more fulfilling life and discover a deep connection to spirit and themselves.

June Round – Assistant Facilitator

Many years ago, when June was led to read Mary Magdalene’s journey, intuitively she knew it to be true. In her search for the divine feminine, inspired by Quan Yin, she has traveled worldwide and brought the teachings of Buddhism, Christ consciousness and indigenous culture into her Thai massage practice for over twenty years.

June is now sharing her massive wisdom in Thai Massage and energy work to certify others in providing healing services. She has been guided to facilitate journeys and retreats to share her knowledge. As CEO of Namaste World Music festival her mission is to facilitate, through spirit, a healing of our hearts, souls and physical bodies.

During the tour June is the chef in charge of the fabulous gourmet organic evening meals at the retreat center.  Reviews from previous trips said that our evening meals at the retreat center were a highlight.  June will also be co-facilitating our ceremonies and assisting with logistics.

Tour includes:

  • 19 days, 18 nights hotel accommodations at amazing properties along the route.
  • Rooms are double occupancy – if you are not booking with someone you will be matched up during the trip at no extra cost.  There is no single supplement.  Please note that due to the structure of rooms at the retreat center some of the rooms are triple.
  • 18 breakfasts and dinners.
  • Ground transportation during the tour
  • Ceremonies and group processes.
  • Entrance fees to all activities described in this itinerary for places we are visiting as a group.
  • Each participant is welcome to an optional soul song session with Ariana. These can be booked before departure or during the trip as time and space permits.
  • Bus from Chartres to Charles de Gaulle airport on final day of the pilgrimage

Tour does not include:

  • International Airfare
  • Lunches
  • Any costs incurred on the days when you are exploring on your own during free times.
  • Gratuities for the Tour driver – generally expected 1-2 euros per day. Gratuities for the Chef.
  • Incidentals at hotels such as laundry, valet service, coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages

Note:   Men are welcome to allow a balance of masculine and feminine energy.  It is only allowed if you come with a partner or if you agree to pay a single supplement.    Women will be matched with other women for the double occupancy. 

 Due to circumstances not known when the itinerary was planned there may be changes to deal with current conditions in France.

It is highly recommended that you purchase travel protection and trip cancellation insurance.

Your investment $8,368 USD    

Bonus – If you are interested in coming a day early to arrive refreshed on the starting day,

I am including your accommodation with a roommate on September 8.

This day is on your own and our official start will remain on Sept 9th at dinner.

Credit card payments are accepted with a 5% surcharge.  

Please read our Mary Magdalene Pilgrimages 2025 terms and conditions before requesting a call.

Mary Magdalene Pilgrimages Sep 9-27 2025 Terms and conditions

If this resonates with you click below to set up a preliminary call to determine if the trip is a good match or call 403-608-4274 to set up a call.

Book a connection call.